Camp Kilimanjaro

In this issue:

  • Camp Kilimanjaro
    The Vacation Bible School that Laura and team ran in Mwanza in July 2024 was very successful.
  • My time in Tanzania
    Eleanor Hutchinson visited the Ewing family and saw some of the projects in Mwana.
  • Thank you for Sue’s car
    Thanks to your generous giving, Sue was able to purchase a new-to-her car.
  • Legacy Giving
    Have you considered leaving a legacy to EIUK in your will? Read more.
  • Give to our CAF Bank Account
    Did you know that we have moved bank accounts to CAF Bank?
  • Pray for Board Members
    We would love you to pray with
    us as we seek to develop the breadth of
    skills on the board.

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Camp Kilimanjaro and Eleanor’s time in Tanzania (BushNet 2 of 2024)