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EIUK Garden Party / Summer Event 2017
Date: Saturday 8 July 2017 Time: 11 am till 5 pm, followed by BBQ Venue: Trinity Church, Hindes Road, Harrow, HA1 1RX …
Down to Earth May 2017
In this issue (390Kb): The Rotary Team trip to Haiti Paul Crowe writes about the trip that the Rotary Team from Canada undertook earlier this…
World Menstrual Hygiene Day : 28 May 2017
Menstrual Hygiene Day raises awareness of the challenges women and girls worldwide face due to their menstruation. It will help to break the silence and build awareness about…
Lupembe Lwasenga Water project
When all your household water has to be fetched from the river 2km away and carried home on foot, then every drop is precious! That’s why…
Sue and Ineke are raising funds for EI projects
Sue Fallon and Ineke Varcoe are taking on this challenge, starting at Eastbourne on Saturday morning, 26 August, where they will walk 100km along the coastal…
Trevor Knight passed away
It is with great sadness that we announce that Trevor Knight passed away on Sunday 26 March 2017 from cancer. Trevor served with EIUK in Haiti…
World Water Day
22 March is World Water Day! Read more about this initiative of the United Nations. Emmanuel International works with communities to ensure that they have access to…
Down to Earth February 2017
In this issue (272kB): EIUK Annual Conference and AGM 2017 Read the report on the Conference, including reviews from those who attended. Milestones in keeping girls in…
Milestones in keeping girls in school
The Pads Ministry in Pader, Northern Uganda, has after three years, reached more than 10 000 girls and more than 100 schools in the region! Please…
Reverend Martin Okwany of Lira, Uganda passed away
It is with a great sense of loss that we inform you of the death of Reverend Martin (Okwany) of Lira, Pastor and Overseer over a…
Help us raise funds easily!
[toc] We have received funds from both these companies last year. It is well worth our while and won’t cost you anything! Emmanuel International UK…
Keep up to date with our missionaries’ blogs
Read more about the work and lives of our missionaries on their blogs. Tim, Rachel, Amisadai and Louisa Monger What’s Cookin’ in Tanzania? Amisadai and Louisa’s Adventures…
‘Imarika’ project in Tanzania
Read more about the new ‘Imarika’ project in Tanzania.
International Day of the Girl Child
Yesterday, 11 October, was the United Nations’ International Day of the Girl Child. It is a day to remember the plight of girls. They are brimming…
Gemma did it!
As promised, Gemma Watkins ran the Bournemouth Marathon on Sunday 2 October to raise funds for Simon and Victoria Ewing. Gemma shared more on Facebook and…
Menstrual Hygiene (Pads Ministry) project
The project Emmanuel International runs a Menstrual Hygiene (Pads Ministry) project in Pader and Agago Districts of Northern of Uganda. It is difficult for children to…
Interview with Helen Jones from EI Malawi
Paul and Helen Jones are the Emmanuel International Country Directors in Malawi. Helen was interviewed by EI Canada and here she talks about some of the…
Fundraising concert for the Pads Ministry
Chichester Baptist Church is hosting a concert on 2nd July 2016 to raise funds for their mission projects, which includes the Pads Ministry that Tom Edom…
EIUK Garden Party / Summer Social
Date: Saturday 9 July 2016 Time: 11 am till 5 pm, followed by BBQ Venue: Trinity Church, Hindes Road, Harrow, HA1 1RX Join us for…
Help for the Victims of Pawaga Flooding
Emmanuel International is helping the church in Pawaga, Tanzania, to assist victims of the floods which occurred in February 2016. The pastor and elders of the…
EIUK Calendar 2016
We have created an EIUK calendar for 2016. It highlights some of the work being done around the world and will hopefully, as it is being…
Emmanuel International Prayer Calendar October 2015
Please pray for us every day in October! Prayer Calendar October 2015 Focus on: Andre and Alex VanWoerden
Beavers raise funds for Kiwere
The 12th High Wycombe (Union Baptist) Beaver Scouts have done a ‘water walk’ – each person carrying 5 litres of water for 1km – to raise money…
New Style Summer Get-together for EIUK!
Our popular summer meeting will be taking on a new format this July. Come and experience it for yourself! Where: Trinity Church, Hindes Road, Harrow, HA1…
Emmanuel International Prayer Calendar June 2015
Pray for us every day in June! EI- Prayer Cal June 2015 Focus on: Charles Mukiwa
In Memoriam: Belinda Naudé
Belinda Naudé 9 June 1971 – 22 April 2015 It is with great sadness that we announce that Belinda passed away to be with our Lord,…
Office hours during the Christmas holiday 2014
Please note that the office will close at the end of day on Friday 19 December 2014 and will open again on 5 January 2015.
EIUK 2015 Calendar
As we celebrate the 30th anniversary for EIUK, we have created a calendar in the place of our normal BushNet issue. It highlights some of the…
New telephone number
Our new telephone line and broadband is functional. Please note that our phone number has changed to 01243 931094. E-mail addresses and postal address is still…