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Girls' Health
Mwanza Region, Tanzania
Did you know that 26 million girls and women are displaced around the world, many of whom struggle to manage their monthly menstruation safely, comfortably, and with dignity? The barriers to menstrual hygiene management (MHM) faced by adolescent schoolgirls in low-income countries are great, including inadequate water, sanitation and disposal facilities, and insufficient guidance to help girls feel confident in attending school during their period.
Emmanuel International Tanzania (EITZ) partners with Tanzania Assemblies of God (TAG) to bring a menstrual health project to schoolgirls in the North Mwanza region. The project is called Nguvu na Hadhi (Strength and Dignity) . EITZ delivers a program of holistic training sessions, which provided physiological, social, and spiritual guidance around the taboo topics of menstruation and puberty.
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