Over the next weeks, a focus of Prayer will be on Haiti. Please pray with us. July 25th will be our first prayer focus point. Check in each week for a prayer request.

25 July 2023
Haiti’s humanitarian crisis has reached unprecedented levels amid reports of widespread hunger and gang violence. The country has been in a state of electoral and constitutional turmoil since the assassination of the president in 2021. Please pray for Haiti.

30 July 2023
Our partner church, Oeuvre Evangelique Baptiste Bethesda, is doing all it can to keep both the girls’ home and the boys’ home going. Teachers are taking great risks in travelling to teach children. Please keep these brave people in your prayers.

1 August 2023
Haiti is a country that has been in chronic political unrest and financial instability for many years.
EI Haiti has been part of the EI family since the early 1980s and has partnered with Evangelical Baptiste Bethesda Church for over 40 years. Please pray for our partner church.

8 August 2023
The situation in Haiti is heartbreaking. It is not safe to move about or to send money to the country. We are praying for Haiti every Tuesday morning till end August but would appreciate your regular prayers for the country too.

15 August 2023
EI Haiti run several projects in Marbial, Port-au-Prince and Jacmel, ranging from primary and secondary education support for students, community health care support, and sustainable community development programs. Please pray for the safe continuation of projects where possible.

22 August 2023
Daniel Jovin is leading the work in Haiti from Canada, while fulfilling a demanding role as Headmaster of a school. Please pray for him as he balances the workload.

29 August 2023
In spite of the difficulties and dangerous travelling conditions, there are brave men and women in Haiti who are willing to risk all to teach children and help those who need help. Please pray for their safety.

26 September 2023
“I met Haitians and I felt the exhaustion of a population that has been facing a cascade of crises and unbearable living conditions for too long,” said Antonio Guterres, the secretary general of the United Nations. We continue to pray for the situation in Haiti. It is really difficult for the people, and Christians in particular. Pray for God’s peace over them.

3 October 2023
The mission’s main schools are in Marbial (with 620 students) and Delmas (275 students). Both are operating at 50% capacity. School enrolment has declined as school attendance remains irregular due to insecurity. For the same reason, faculty and staff are reluctant to travel to school sites. Please pray for a safe school re-entry and the start of the school year. The government still has to set a start date.

10 October 2023
Presently, the situation in Haiti is dire, with 5.2 million people requiring humanitarian assistance due to escalating sociopolitical instability and rampant gang violence. Please pray for Haiti.

17 October 2023
There are calls for a peacekeeping force to help the police combat the violent gangs. Please pray as talks are taking place and for the planning. We pray that any intervention will be peaceful and miraculous, with no further shedding of innocent blood.

24 October 2023
There are incidents of communities and churches who are taking action against the gangs in vigilante style. We pray for peace in the hearts of these people who are tired of waiting, for a heart of forgiveness.

31 October 2023
Emmanuel International in Haiti is continuing what it can do to keep the projects going, the boys’ and girls’ homes for orphans amongst others. Daniel in Canada and Phanel in Haiti are doing all they can to support our partner church, Oeuvre Evangelique Baptiste Bethesda. Please pray for them and for the leaders of the church.

7 November 2023
We praise God that Grade 12 students from both schools (Marbial and Delmas) succeeded in state exams!