We are excited to report about the 2nd Conference for Christian Indigenous Women which took place at Rio Branco Village, Rondônia State, Brazil from July 13 to 15th. About 200 women from 12 different ethnic groups attended. They worshiped the Lord in their own languages and shared experiences and struggles they face in their villages, such as the problem with alcohol abuse among the youth, health problems and the difficulties they face to get medical assistance because it’s difficult for the health teams to reach their villages. They were encouraged to be a blessing to the women who don’t follow Jesus yet. Emmanuel International partnered with the Terena Church to carry out this conference.
The conference experienced a setback when a bridge on the way to the river, from where the boats would be leaving to the village, collapsed. The venue of the conference had to be changed to another village, which meant that they couldn’t reach the expected number of 400 women for the conference. It still is a miracle to gather 200 women from 12 different ethnic groups, especially women who don’t really travel around often!
Missão Emanuel do Brasil (Emmanuel International Brazil) would like to thank EIUK for the special donation for the women’s conferences.
For more information about the conference, be sure to visit the MEB website (please note this site is in Portuguese).